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Decoding Gen Z at Work

gen z jobs

A few Generation Z employees entered the workforce before the COVID-19 epidemic began on March 20, 2020. Some did it after having completed college amid the global health crisis. Some are in college and expected to enter the workforce in the coming years.

Research suggests that the
pandemic didn't affect the industry. Gen Z most want to be employed in technology. Here are some pre-pandemic and pandemic-era insights into the types of jobs that Gen Z employees want and tips on how to draw and retain this important group of workers.

Generation Z defined

Generation Z includes those born between 1997 and 2012. By 2020, this generation had 67.06 million people within the United States, according to Statista. It is 20.35 per cent of the U.S. population. By 2022, the oldest Gen Z members will be turning 25 and will likely be working for some time now. Others are at the of their college career, as a large portion of them are in high school with less successful grades. It means that the job market will soon be overwhelmed by Gen Z, and this influx will not slow for a long time.

What were the preferences of Gen Z employees prior to the pandemic?

A new Glassdoor report highlighted the top Gen Z issues and concerns as they started their careers. The company looked at job applications submitted on the website between October 1, 2018, and January 11. 11 2019, highlighting the possible employers, the locations, and the types of jobs Generation Z, as well as their predecessors, the millennials, were looking for throughout the U.S.

Glassdoor also utilized its database of company reviews to determine how Gen Z employees rated their work conditions. The study also included the positive and negative aspects outlined in the reviews, along with information on the location and pay for different positions held by the Gen Z population. The results came to conclusive conclusions.

Software jobs that are in high demand

In terms of the kinds that Gen Z applicants wanted, the tech industry dominated, and it should come as no surprise considering that this generation has been confined to a world with internet access that is publicly accessible. The top 10 firms Gen Z workers sought jobs in, as per the study, include IBM, Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Oracle.

Generation Z employees were much less inclined to work for non-tech businesses. The three only non-tech companies to be among the top 10 companies for Gen Z were Deloitte, an accounting firm; NBCUniversal, a media conglomerate; and Lockheed Martin, an aerospace and defence company.

Young people who managed to get into the top workplaces for Gen Z were also highly rated by these companies. According to Glassdoor's research, Apple, Google and Microsoft each received an approval score of 4.6 out of 5 among the same demographic. Other companies that scored highly were Facebook as well as Morgan Stanley.

The research also revealed that 19% of applications completed on Glassdoor included software engineering jobs with over 60,000 open positions and a median pay of $98,500. Other highly skilled jobs being sought by Gen Zers were mechanical engineers and software developers. Other jobs that pay well for Gen Zers include business analyst, with an average pay of $73,000; investment bank analyst, earning an average salary of $80,800; and financial analyst, with a median wage of $70,000.

The place Gen Z looked for jobs

Before the outbreak in the past, it was not uncommon for newcomers to look for jobs in one of the nation's large metropolitan areas upon they entered the workforce. Cities such as New York, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. tended to attract the attention of many entry-level workers. Despite the transition to remote working, some workers still relocate to different positions.

From 2015 until 2019, the three top cities that received the highest demand for Generation Z workers were New York (9%), Los Angeles (6%) along with San Francisco (5%). Glassdoor said Gen Z applicants were "less concentrated in the bigger metros than millennials." Although the top places of work in the study include those like Miami and Phoenix, Gen Z workers were keen on jobs near Champaign, Illinois, and Raleigh, North Carolina.

What did Gen Z value in a job

Like many employees, Gen Z seeks promotions, good pay and a dependable boss. The Glassdoor study found that a positive working environment that allows for flexible hours and decent income is crucial. The words "easy job," "employee discount", and "free food" were used in reviews by employees.

What makes the job "bad" in the eyes of Generation Z? In the first place, they disliked "long hours," "low pay" and "minimum wage." "Upper management" was an additional complaint in their assessments. These issues are still present in research conducted during the pandemic, but the growing, distant population has brought various workplace concerns.

What do Gen Z workers want since the pandemic?

In 2021, the enterprise software delivery company CloudBees interviewed 1,000 young adults in the U.S., U.K., Germany and France about their careers and interests. The research focused solely on Generation Z in the workplace and took place shortly after the COVID-19 epidemic began to affect the world. Sixty-six per cent of respondents reported that they had found work within six months after graduating from college. It took 36% less than three months to find employment.

Software jobs are still being sought after

Software development was among the most popular career choices for respondents. Three out of 10 people surveyed said it was the job they most admired. In addition, 91 per cent of respondents predicted that this field would continue to be vital, with 27% saying that it would be crucial. The survey did not analyze salaries for software development as Glassdoor did just a few years ago. Still, U.S. News & World Report data indicates that the median wage for this position in 2020 was $110,140, and the assumption is that this will increase.

The Gen Zers who participated in the CloudBees survey, 56 per cent (68.5 per cent of men and 42.5 per cent of women) indicated they were planning to pursue a degree in coding. The reasons given for this included future employment (39 per cent) and the ability to communicate with colleagues (29 per cent) as well as for pure enjoyment (10 10%).

Where is Gen Z currently looking forward to be

Although the CloudBees survey did not include top companies in the eyes of Gen Z job applicants, Tallo, which connects job seekers with career opportunities, is filling this need. In a survey conducted in 2021 that included over 2,900 Gen Z high school and college students, tech-related companies were at the top of the list of 10 most sought-after workplaces, which included Google, Apple and Netflix, being ranked as the top three in the respective rankings. Other tech companies that made the list were Amazon, Microsoft, Sony, Tesla and SpaceX.

The study by Tallo also revealed that technology was the second most well-liked industry among those surveyed, with 76.5 per cent of respondents naming the field as among the top industries. It was less than arts and entertainment, which ranked first with 78 per cent. Also, despite an epidemic that changed the lives of thousands of students from going to classes in person and required them to take classes via Zoom, Gen Z's desire to work in the tech industry hasn't changed.

What Generation Z appreciates in the workplace today

In CloudBees analysis of Gen Z, 35% of respondents listed salary and benefits as the top priority in their job searching. A further 14% of respondents cited their location, even during the pandemic. It provides an exciting contrast to the third most crucial factor. It is the capability to work remotely, which was a factor for 10% of the respondents.

In Tallo's study, most respondents believed it was "important that recruiters or potential employers ask about their preferred gender pronouns." The Gen Z population is fervently committed to inclusiveness and equality. It's a topic which should be considered in the way you supervise Gen Z employees.

How do you draw (and keep) Gen Z employees

The above data and figures illustrate what's crucial in attempting to attract and keep - Generation Z employees. It's the same regardless of whether your products or services don't in any way influence software development. These are the most important lessons that are applicable even if your company isn't part of the field of technology:

Paying salaries that are higher than what is considered minimum wages: Gen Z is much less inclined to pay an hourly wage or even higher than other generations. You'll likely need to provide higher wages than the minimum wage to attract the employees you want to keep in the company.

Benefits to employees: A good employee benefits package is crucial to keep Gen Z employees satisfied at work. Health insurance is only the beginning. You should also provide employees pension plans as well as pretax commuter benefits, Stock options, and many more.

Offer the food for free: Gen Z employees generally want more than the benefits offered in their packages. The data from Glassdoor shows that free lunches at work that allow employees to eat with each other will help maintain Gen Z workers engaged with your business. If you're on a strict budget, you can opt for a snack option. However, full meals leave the best impression.

Maintain a reasonable schedule: Although specific times of the year may necessitate the need for overtime in your small-scale company, Gen Z is more reluctant than younger generations to give up their time with family and work. The constant pressure to work beyond the hours they usually work can deplete their enthusiasm and cause burning in the workplace.

Beware of micromanagement and unhealthy workplaces: Glassdoor's study showed Gen Z is more interested in management at the upper levels. If you micromanage the employees, you're bound to make them uncomfortable. It will also make them feel unwelcome when your workplace becomes toxic, such as supervisors who intimidate individuals and employees who are scared to inquire. In these scenarios, you can take Gen Z employees out of the exit.

Flexibility is key: Even if you cannot make your team work remotely for the entire time, it's essential to allow Gen Z the opportunity to work from home. You could introduce a policy enabling employees to work at home when they aren't attending in-person meetings. In this way, the decision to work either in person or remotely is up to the individual. Their flexibility can keep them engaged throughout the day, even when they work from a distance.

Generation Z at work

Every generation is an essential addition to the workforce. When Generation Z comes of age, employers have an excellent chance to attract young talents well-versed in the latest technologies and social standards. It is possible to have more success in securing Gen Z workers if you're working in the technology sector because research shows that the industry is still attractive to the Gen Z generation. Be sure to ensure that your business places a high priority on Gen Z values if you wish to keep them.

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